Biodiversity Station of Merujal

The Biodiversity Station (EBIO) of Merujal is situated in the Freita Mountain and it is composed by nine information panels about the existing biological diversity. The EBIO begins near the Merujal Camping Site, and crosses along 1.7 km several types of terrestrial habitats (pine forest, bushes, thickets of oak wood) and freshwaters (streams and peat bogs), finishing near the Frecha da Mizarela geosite. In these habitats, you will find several endemic, rare and common fauna species (such as Rana iberica, Calopteryx virgo, Podarcis hispanica), flora species (such as Crocus carpetanus, Narcissus bulbocodium, Gentiana pneumonanthe) and fungi species (such as Lobaria pulmonaria, Lobaria amplissima, Amanita muscaria).